President's Greeting
5 Star Excellence
4 Star Excellence

Greetings everyone. I hope that those of you who attended our joint MOAA chapter luncheon in September had a good time. I enjoyed the speech by Chris Cassidy, President and CEO of the National Medal of Honor Museum that will open in March 2025 in Arlington Texas. They are still raising money for the Medal of Honor Museum. So, if you wish to donate to the effort, go to the bottom of this webpage to contribute on0line: go to this link: https://mohmuseum.org/. Our chapter donated $100 to the Museum.
Our next dinner meeting will be on November 13. See the newsletter and reservation form to the right of this column. RSVP by November 8.
Chapter elections will occur at our November dinner meeting. Rich Crossley as volunteered to run for president. Rose Marie Vickery asked to step down as Secretary. So we need volunteers to take the spots that they have vacated, specifically: Secretary, Scholarship Raffle Coordinator at the meeting, and the JROTC Scholarship Award and Selection Coordinator. If you have not been a chapter member or committee member, or have not been one for a long time, please consider volunteering for one of these positions. The chapter survives only if everyone contributes a little bit.
As you know, Veterans Day if fast approaching. There are many events in the local area you should consider attending. Here are some of the local events:
Flower Mound Veterans Day Ceremony: Sunday, Nov 3, 1-3PM at the Flower Mound High School Stadium.
Highland Village and Congressman Burgess’s “Salute Our Veterans” luncheon, free to all veterans and a guest. Monday, Nov 11, 11am-1pm, Hilton Garden Inn. RSVP at: https://cityofhv.seamlessdocs.com/f/VeteranRSVP
Texas Veterans Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony, Saturday, Nov 16, from 6pm-9pm. RSVP at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/texas-veterans-hall-of-fame-6th-annual-induction-ceremony-tickets-887291351317?aff=oddtdtcreator
Denton County Veterans Day Ceremony, Nov 11, 11am-12pm, at the Denton County Court House.
Carrollton Veterans Day Luncheon, Nov 11, 11:30am-1:00pm, at the First Baptist Church. RSVP at: https://allevents.in/carrollton/veterans-day-luncheon/200027327656617
Grapevine Veterans Day Parade, and Veterans Fair, Saturday, Nov 9. See: https://www.grapevinetexasusa.com/events/annual-events-festivals/veterans-day-parade/
Finally, the Denton County Military Peer Network and the Veterans Coalition are handing out Veteran Thanksgiving Baskets to Denton County veterans. See this link to register: https://www.dentoncountymvpn.org/event-details-registration/2024-thanksgiving-baskets-for-veterans.
Next Meeting
We will hold our next dinner meeting on Wednesday, November 13, at the Saltgrass Restaurant in Lewisville. Details are in the Newsletter link to the right of this column.
If you are a Chapter member and are not receiving the newsletter and would like a copy, send an email to:
We now have chapter challenge coins for sale for $10 a piece.

Contact Dave Nelson to get yours now: davenelson@tx.rr.com
If you wish to donate to our scholarship program, you can do so with PayPal, credit card, or debit card.
Scholarship Donations