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Ginger Simonson (817) 683-2870


Here are the functions of the Personal Affairs Officer:

  • Functions as a point of contact for chapter counterparts.

  • Stays informed about rights and benefits.

  • Coordinates directly with benefits and financial experts in MOAA’s Career Transition and Benefits department.

  • Helps resolve questions or problems related to military and survivor rights, benefits, entitlements, etcetera.

  • Develops opportunities to encourage, engage, and educate surviving spouses as fully participating members of MOAA.


​In 2012 the North DFW Military Officers Association Board of Directors established a process to recognize the memory of members and spouses who passed away.  In lieu of flowers, a donation from the chapter's general operating fund is mad to the chapter's Scholarship Fund as a tribute to their memory.


Links to Area Military Casualty Assistance Offices:



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